The achievements of University of Western States’ alumni and faculty extend beyond the classroom, contributing to their fields of knowledge and research. From groundbreaking research papers to influential publications and creative endeavors, this list exemplifies the UWS community’s intellectual vigor and innovation.
UWS Personnel are Bolded (Faculty: Black; Students: Red)
Allen M, Rosner A. The mechanism of manual muscle testing as proposed by the ventral horn theory. Medical Hypotheses 2024; 182: 111240. Doi.org/10.1016/jmedhy.2023.111240.
Bablis P, Pollard H, Rosner A. The endurance of neuro emotional technique effects on chronic low back pain in a randomized controlled trial with implications for cost savings. Commentary. Journal of Natural Medicine; September 6, 2023.
Bablis P, Rosner A. Neuro-Emotional Technique: 35 years of mind-body health care: A commentary. Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 2023;50(1): 1-21..
Burnham K, Lady S, Martin C. Awareness of LGBTQ+ health disparities: A survey study of complementary integrative health providers. Journal of Chiropractic Education 2023;37(2):124-136. Doi:107899/ICE-22-2.
Ferruzzi K, Stello N, Zwickey H. Case report: Dietary effects on hyperlipidemia. Journal of Restorative Medicine, Accepted August 2023.
Knorr AL, Wexler RS, Fuller L. Treatment of Epstein-Barr-Induced Heapatitis with high dose intravenous vitamin C: A case report. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal. 2023; 22(4): 24-27. PMCID: PMC10519236
McAlamen M, Arvinen-Barrow M, Iwasaki S, Meir G. Academic Career Paths in Sport and Performance Psychology. In Chu TZ, Christensen D, Brueckner S [Eds.] 13th Edition of theDirectoryfor Graduate Programs in Applied Sport Psychology. Indianapolis, IN: Association for Applied Sport Psychology, 2023. Pp. 48-65.
Roecker CB, Hewawasem SR, Skalski MR. Chiropractic management of bilateral meralgia paresthetica: a case report. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association 2023;67(2): 175-185. PMCID: PMC10575328
Rosner A. The Role of Subluxation in Chiropractic. West Des Moines, IA: NCMIC Foundation, 2024.
Tistra ML, Berg-Carramusa CA, Peets T, Keptner K. Cultural experience with humility: A pre-post cohort study of student self-assessments. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice 2024;22(2):19. Doi:10.46743/1540-580X/2024-2470 https://nsuworks.nova.edu/ijahsp/vol22/iss2/19/
Bennett H, Rundle B, Monroe C, Tarrant ML, Lee N, Fallon-Korb AJ. Five Slides in Five Minutes-(Re)Considering Traditional Psychological Constructs to Empower LGBTQ+ Athletes and Build a Culture of Inclusive Excellence. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 20, 2023. Platform presentation.
Cacho F, Ellinwood G, Englis M. Experiences of Perfectionistic Collegiate Classical Musicians. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 21, 2023. Platform presentation.
Coon J, Meir G, Moore M, O’Hana A. Existential Athletics: The Connection between Passion and Meaning in Life in University Athletes and Non-Athletes. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 18, 2023. Platform presentation.
Elie D, Swift K. Navigating the Terrain of Therapeutic Diets for GI disorders. Integrative Health Symposium, New York, NY. Presented February 15, 2024.
Flaten R, Davis Q, Trenda K, Schmitt L. Bridging the Gap between Education and Applications: Using the TOPE Literature to Help Young Professionals Organize Their Knowledge. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 21, 2023. Platform presentation.
Fuller L, Wexler R. Lamotrigine Deprescribing in Patients with Seizure Disorders: A Case Series. American Academy of Lifestyle Medicine; LM-2023 Lifestyle Medicine Conference 2023, Denver, CO/Online. Presented October 28-31, 2023.
Fuller L.. Wexler R. The Clinical Use of Intravenous Vitamin C for Post Acute Sequelae SARS-Cov-2 (PASC): A Literature Review and Case Series. 12th Annual Diet and Optimum Health Conference, Precision Health 2023: Living Better, Longer, Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR. Presented September 15-16, 2023.
Gonzalez S, Gaddy J. Leveling Up Communication and Conflict Resolution: Tools for Consulting in High Stakes: Opinionated and Emotionally Charged Situations. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 20, 2023. Platform presentation.
Helma PJ. Application of Technology in Sports Chiropractic. Presentation at the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians. Sports Sciences Symposium, Portland, OR. Presented April 6, 2024.
Kampa M, Batchlor M. Effect of class IV laser on post-surgical wound healing : A case report. Association of Chiropractic Colleges, Research Agenda Conference, San Diego, CA, March 22, 2024. Poster presentation.
Lady S, Lockwood K, Burnham K, Lambert C, Major C. Effectiveness of a peer mind-body medicine training program on faculty stress responses. Panel Presentation, Association of Chiropractic College Education Conference and Research Agenda Conference . The Healthcare Evolution, San Diego, CA. Presented March 23, 2024.
Lady, S, Burnham K, Major C. Lockwood K, Lambert C. Effectiveness of a Peer Mind Body Medicine Training Program on Faculty Stress Responses. Association of Chiropractic Colleges-Research Agenda Conference, San Diego, CA, March 22-23, 2024. Platform presentation.
Leibowitz A, Abrams M, Hayden K, Martin S. Trauma-Informed Sport Psychology: A New Standard of Care? 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 18, 2023. Platform presentation.
Leibowitz A, Martin SB. Trauma-Specific Education and Training for Nonclinical Sport Professionals. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL. Presented October 18-20, 2023.
Major C, Novak M, Ross K, Visconti S, Burnham K. The Relationship between Satisfaction of Work-Related Needs and Forms of Motivation for the Pursuit of Scholarly Activity in Chiropractic Facility. Association of Chiropractic Colleges-Research Agenda Conference, San Diego, CA, March 22-23, 2024. Platform presentation.
O’Hana A. Can I Provide Psychotherapy and Mental Skills: Training to the Same Client? An Ethical Decision-Making Model for Integrated Practitioners. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 19, 2023. Poster presentation.
O’Hana A. Mental Health or Mental Skills? A Decision-Making Model of Assessment for Performance Clients. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 20, 2023. Poster presentation.
Quartiroli A, Rubio V, Moore EW, Olmedilla Z. Sport-Injury Related Growth: Development and Validation of the Perceived Benefits following a Severe Sport Injury Questionnaire (PB/SI-Q). 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 19, 2023. Poster presentation.
Quartiroli A, Wagstaff C. Sport Psychology Continuing Education: A Survey of Where We Are and Where We Need to Go. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 20, 2023. Poster presentation.
Sachs N, Blank M. It’s in Your Pocket: Leveraging the Yardage Book to Equip Golfers with Mental Performance Tools. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 19, 2023. Platform presentation.
Sachs N, Blank M. Transforming Tournament Preparation: The Integration of Virtual Reality and Mental Imagery in Gulf Training. 38th Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October 19, 2023. Platform presentation.
Strange J, Major C, Williams C. Chiropractic Student Perceptions of Rehabilitation Knowledge and Skill Level Improve after Incorporation of a Video-Based Group Learning Activity in and Advance Rehabilitation Course. Association of Chiropractic Colleges, Research Agenda Conference, San Diego, CA, March 22-23, 2024. Platform presentation.