Jaipaul Parmar, DC – Commitment to the UWS Motto: “For the Good of the Patient”

Jaipaul Parmar, DC, 2010 graduate of University of Western States (UWS) is the 2022 UWS Alumnus of the Year. This distinction honors the accomplishments of outstanding UWS graduates as they advance the science and art of integrated health care. Dr. Parmar’s professional work has demonstrated exemplary leadership and commitment to the UWS motto, “for the good of the patient” in addition to embodying the core values of UWS – student focus, best practices, curiosity, inclusiveness, professionalism and whole-person health.
Shortly after receiving his license, Dr. Parmar began serving as a member of the British Columbia Chiropractic Association (BCCA) and the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA). He was recently nominated to sit on the CCA Board of Directors. Dr. Parmar and Dr. Jamie Ackerman, fellow UWS DC graduate, own and operate a highly successful practice, Alliance Wellness Clinic in Vancouver, BC. Fellow UWS DC graduate and Dr. Parmar’s wife, Dr. Sonia Deol, is also a chiropractor at the clinic. The Alliance Wellness Clinics’ two locations have served as a preceptor site for UWS student clinical interns for many years. Three clinical preceptor students returned to the Alliance Wellness Clinics’ team following graduation.
“It is a true honor and privilege to be named the 2022 UWS Alumnus of the Year,” said Dr. Parmar. “Since acceptance, going through the program, graduating, and now having more than a decade of practice, I hold a very special place in my heart for UWS. I have a genuine passion for the chiropractic profession and am beyond grateful for this recognition from the institution that has forever changed my life and has allowed me to have an impact on others’ lives every single day.”
Following graduating from UWS, Dr. Parmar knew he would be returning to Canada. He envisioned what kind of practice he wanted to work for and noticed that at the time, there were not many collaborative clinics within Vancouver. Dr. Parmar and Dr. Ackerman decided to build a practice based on the tenants of what they learned at UWS – an integrated health care model where practitioners collaborate and work together to achieve whole person patient outcomes that treats root cause rather than just symptoms. At Alliance Wellness Clinic, patients can work with chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, counselors and osteopaths.
“Over the years, I have found out that with my training as a chiropractor, we are the best referrers,” said Dr. Parmar. “I’ve never encountered any other professional that has the confidence in their referral the way that chiropractors can. We have a strength in case conceptualization and that really comes straight from my education at UWS.”
Dr. Parmar was highly involved during his time at UWS from serving on the Associated Student Body (ASB), to being a member of the Canadian Club. His direct experience with student politics inspired him to get involved in the BCCA.
“Since graduating from UWS in 2010, Dr. Jaipaul Parmar’s contribution to the BC chiropractic community and the university has been significant,” said UWS President and CEO Dr. Joseph Brimhall. “Dr. Parmar’s clear passion for the profession goes beyond boards and public service but is also evident on an individual level as a mentor to UWS student interns. As a preceptor for several years, Dr. Parmar has been eager to share his expertise with our student interns and has shown a keen investment in the next generation of chiropractors.”

Journal entry by Dr. Parmar from grade seven
“On the first day of grade seven, we all created journals and one of the prompts asked what we wanted to be when get got older. I said that I wanted to be a chiropractor. Years later when I found the journal, my jaw dropped! It was an epiphany moment. This journal reinforced the idea of if you write your intentions down, it really can happen. If you put your mind to something, it can happen. One just has to be positive and optimistic and truly believe in yourself.”
– Jaipaul Parmar, DC