Student Development Fund 

Student Professional Development Fund Request Protocol for Students

Revised 12/18/2023


The purpose of this protocol is to establish a standardized process for University of Western States (UWS) students to apply for and receive funds for eligible travel expenses related to academic and university-sponsored activities.

1. Eligibility Criteria:

Students eligible for professional development funding must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently enrolled at UWS in good standing.
  • The travel must be related to academic or university-sponsored activities, such as conferences, workshops, research presentations, or other approved events.
  • The student must have prior approval for the travel from the relevant academic department or university authority.

3. Expense Documentation:

Students must retain all receipts and documentation related to their travel expenses in alignment with the UWS travel policy. Eligible expenses include transportation, accommodation, meals, and registration fees. UWS does not reimburse students for alcohol related expenses. Receipts must be itemized and clearly show the amount paid, date, and the nature of the expense.

4. Submission of Request:

Students should follow these steps to request reimbursement:

  • Complete the “Travel Request Form,” available on the UWS website.
  • Submit the completed form and documentation within two weeks of the event.

5. Review and Approval:

Applications will be reviewed to ensure that all documentation is complete and accurate. The request will then be forwarded to relevant authority for final approval.

6. Payment Process:

Once approved, funds will be distributed within 30 business days. Payments will be issued in the form of a check or direct deposit, as specified by the form.

7. Appeals Process:

If a request is denied, the student may appeal the decision by providing additional documentation or clarification. The appeal should be submitted in writing within 10 days of receiving the denial.

8. Compliance and Accountability:

Students are expected to adhere to all university policies and procedures related to travel expenses. Any misuse of funds or failure to comply with the protocol may result in disciplinary action.

Note: This protocol is subject to periodic review and updates by the university administration. Students are encouraged to check the university website for the most current version of the protocol and funds available.

Student Travel Application Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY