Eric Yarnell

Instructor, NMD
- Botanical Medicine Rocks
- Department
Naturopathic Doctoral Program (NMD)
- Institution
University of Western States
- Biography
After 28 years in the naturopathic profession (32 if you count the years I was in school), I can say I love it more every day. I love helping people in my private practices (I work at a clinic in WA and one in CA), I love teaching students, I love writing textbooks and articles, and I love interacting with colleagues. Every day I feel like I learn another new and amazing facet of human nature and how to help people heal. I have found an unusual niche treating people with kidney disease in my clinical practice (about one third of my patients), as well as working extensively in urology and men's health (the other two thirds of my patients). I hope to pass on to you my love of these subjects and to both demystify the kidneys and make them extremely interesting to you. I mostly use herbs in my practice so you'll see that seeping in everywhere.
I often say if I weren't a naturopathic physician I would be a linguist. I find language fascinating and manage to feed this passion somewhat by studying the names of herbs in other languages. I am also actively studying español and Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic), and have also studied Japanese, Chinese, Esperanto, German, American Sign Language, Ancient Greek, and Latin to varying degrees. I am enamored of all things Scottish (though I have no known Scottish roots) so when I'm not doing naturopathic stuff, I'm doing Scottish country dancing, going to Scottish Gaelic events, or traveling to Scotland (where I intend to retire some day).
- Education History
Degree Institution Year ND Bastyr University, Seattle, WA 1996 BS Bastyr University, Seattle, WA 1994 - Professional Memberships
Role Organization Member AANP Member WANP Registered Herbalist American Herbalists Guild - Community Involvement
Role Organization Convention Committee Volunteer AANP - Publications
Book Eric Yarnell and Brianna Eickmeyer (2024). Natural Approach to Gastroenterology, 3rd Edition (two volumes). Wenatchee, WA: Wild Brilliance Press.
Eric Yarnell (2017). Natural Approach to Urology 2nd Edition. Wenatchee, WA: Wild Brilliance Press.
Eric Yarnell (2017). Natural Approach to Prostate Conditions 2nd Edition. Wenatchee, WA: Wild Brilliance Press.
Eric Yarnell (2003). Phytochemistry and Pharmacy for Practitioners of Botanical Medicine. Wenatchee, WA: Healing Mountain Publishing.
Chapter Eric Yarnell (2024). Herbal medicines. In S. B. Shrewsbury (Ed.) Migraine Pain Management (pp. TBD). Edinburgh: Elsevier.
Paul Saunders, Iva Lloyd, Eric Yarnell (2024). Herbal medicine. In Iva Lloyd, Amie Steele, Jon Wardle (Ed.) Naturopathy: Practice, Effectiveness, Economics and Safety (pp. 485–520.). Toronto: World Naturopathic Federation.
Eric Yarnell (2016). Western herbal medicine. In B. Chughtai, A. Stein, G. Espinosa (Ed.) Healing in Urology: Clinical Guidebook to Herbal and Alternative Therapies (pp. 19-43). : World Scientific.
Eric Yarnell (2014). Chapter 11. Urology. In MD Spar, GE Muñoz (Ed.) Integrative Men’s Health (pp. 179-204). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Journal Eric Yarnell, Alain Touwaide (2019). Accuracy of Dioscorides, De materia medica (1st Century C.E.), regarding diuretic activity of plants. J Altern Complement Med, 25 (1), 107–120.
Eric Yarnell (2015). Preliminary case series of artemisinin for prostate cancer in a naturopathic practice J Restorative Med. J Restorative Med, 4 (1), 24-32.
Eric Yarnell (2012). A child with atypical celiac disease and recurrent urolithiasis. Iranian J Kidney Dis, 6 (2), 146-148.
- Licenses
ND, Washington, California RH(AHG), USA