Kristin Ochs, DC

Doctor of Chiropractic Alumna


Program & Concentration: Doctor of Chiropractic

Hometown: Visalia, California

Graduation Year: 2013

Prior Education or Experience: BS in Human Biology from UWS

Dr. Kristin Ochs (DC 2013) came to UWS after working as a Fitness and Nutrition Director. Her drive to learn early on even led her to sneak into nutrition classes to learn more about fueling and caring for the body. This connection to movement and wellness motivated her to pursue a chiropractic degree. When looking for a school, UWS was a natural choice due to its concurrent degree program and her own love for the city of Portland.

Originally from California, Dr. Ochs practiced in Portland for seven years before moving back to Visalia. She bought her own practice and continues to run it herself.  When asked about the challenge of starting her own practice right out of school she admits she likes to figure things out on her own and make her own schedule. The benefits of being the boss and doctor outweigh the challenges, “I only have me to answer to” which allows her to provide superior patient care while running a business and being a parent.

As a mom, taking care of her daughter is a priority. Owning her own practice allows her to homeschool her daughter and still allows her “to see improvements in patients.” Nasal-specific technique being one of the specialties which she sees provide amazing benefits and for which patients seek her out. Additionally, she offer manual and soft tissue manipulation, corrective exercise, kinesio taping, and jaw pain relief at her clinic, Ochs Chiropractic, Inc. Recently featured on her local California news station, her techniques and their benefits are clearly getting noticed in the community.

Starting out, Dr. Ochs applied a very proactive approach to learning how to run her practice and building a network. When she arrived back in Visalia, she sent postcards to other massage therapists, physical therapists, and chiropractors inviting them to coffee. This created a community of like-minded people to talk to, learn from, and share ideas with. She continues to meet with many of them. Regarding the process of starting and growing a practice, she relied on providing good care and trusting that “if you build it, they will come.”