Chet Collins, DC

DC Alumni

chet Collins

Life is never boring for Dr. Chet Collins.

Over the past few years he has worked as a visiting chiropractic consultant for clients in Thailand, Republic of the Maldives, Qatar, Kuwait and Turkey. He spends most of his time in Bali these days.

His life is a constant adventure.

Before becoming a chiropractor, Collins taught wilderness emergency care and rescue seminars. But he grew restless and wanted to do something that would fit his lifestyle a little bit better. A friend he met while working in the ski industry had become a chiropractor and suggested it to Collins, encouraging him to move up to Portland and give UWS a chance.

When he got stressed out by the pace, Collins fell back on what he knew he loved: adventure. He made a point to spent time on the 100 rivers within 100 miles of campus.

“Making sure I always scheduled enough time to do what I loved kept me from getting caught up in the negative side of academic stress and study loads. It kept me resilient and better able to bounce back after some very stressful weeks – or months – of studying,” he said.

As a chiropractor, he brings that same mindset to his work. He cites being able to relieve pain and solve physical problems with only his hands as one of the most rewarding things about being a chiropractor. Helping people understand the mechanics of the body they were born with and how to care for it also motivates him.

Collins makes sure to take care of himself along the way.

“At this point in my career, I’m am choosing to work only enough to fulfill my decreasing financial responsibilities and my joy of helping people find relief from pain. I am taking the rest of the time for enjoying personal health and recreation. In this, I feel that I have succeeded in my career as a chiropractor. In ten years…I will most likely be doing pretty much what I’m doing right now, with maybe even a bit more play time!”