Portland Blazers RSVP

Student American Black Chiropractic Association (SABCA) and ASB invite University of Western States students to RSVP to attend the Portland Blazers basketball game on February 1st at the Moda Center to celebrate Black History Month!

A dedicated section at the Moda Center will be reserved exclusively for UWS students. Through collaboration with ASB and SABCA, tickets for the game are limited and only $10! These tickets grant access to both the game and the designated area. Each student is allowed to RSVP for up to two tickets.

Students will be notified on Monday, January 27 by 12 p.m. if they have been selected to purchase tickets. Please provide payment in the form of a check or cash to the Student Engagement staff offices (204 and 206).

RSVP for a ticket to the Portland Blazers game has reached its limit. Please contact Student Engagement at [email protected] if you want to join the waitlist for a ticket.